Butler County Alabama
Parcel Maintenance - Status Report
Generated on: 27-Jul-24
Report for Tax Year: 2022 (Deeds recorded between Oct 1, 2020 and Sept 30, 2021)
   Deeds Recorded at Courthouse Processing Status Of Parcel Deeds
Month Total Parcel NonParcel Untouched Pending Linked ChgForm
October 79 63 16 0 0 63 70
November 98 67 31 2 0 65 73
December 82 73 9 0 0 73 78
January 73 63 10 0 0 63 68
February 101 77 24 0 0 77 82
March 126 107 19 0 0 107 119
April 116 103 13 1 0 102 107
May 82 65 17 0 0 65 73
June 118 93 25 0 0 93 108
July 99 87 12 0 0 87 101
August 79 69 10 0 0 69 80
September 93 68 25 0 0 68 76
Totals (YTD) 1157 945 212 3 0 942 1126
Untouched= Not Looked at yet;  Pending=Question for County;  Linked=Linked & Change Form Printed;  NonParcel = Deeds Not Associated with Property
1. In general, new deeds are posted online each Monday and include all deeds recorded before Thrusday Noon of the prior week.
2. On the Second Week of each month, the prior months Change Forms are Printed by Flagship and Sent to County for entering into their CAMA system.
3. For deeds recroded in Oct, Nov and December, the "Tax Year" is 2 calendars ahead of the recorded year, for all other months it is one year ahead. 
4. For Questions Concerning this report please contact Alisha at Flagship GIS, Inc. at 770-886-4645 or email her at Alisha@FlagshipGIS.com